The most common website ADA compliance mistakes to avoid!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
website ada compliance

Enough has been said about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 但仍有一些网站因未遵守这些指导方针而被提起诉讼. 这表明要么是对诉讼的不了解,要么是对开发者端的指导方针的不了解. Otherwise, who will do it intentionally and get trapped by the laws?

It has been three decades since ADA guidelines are in existence. Initially, websites were struggling to comply with suggested guidelines. But now after these many years, the dense web has clarity on ADA guidelines. Thus, 它不期望犯小错误,限制你的网站成为100% ADA合规. Website ADA compliance is a complicated subject.

There are a few common and minor mistakes that happen while designing an ADA compliant website. Let’s discover what are those mistakes and how to rectify them.

Mistakes that you must avoid during ADA compliant website design

  • Images do not have alt text

    带图像的Alt文本为那些不能像正常人一样看到图像的用户提供了有关图像的信息. They use assistive devices to perceive the content and experience it. But at times, when developers forget to add alt text to images, it becomes a hindrance to website ADA compliance.

    确保你网站上的每一张图片都有清晰准确的alt文字,提供关于图片的详细信息. Moreover, the character count should be no more than 125 characters. So that screen readers can read it correctly. 如果图像用于装饰目的,则不需要所有文本.

    To form an alt text, write a precise description and add context based on the topic, then only it will serve the purpose.

  • Wrong color contrast

    许多用户希望浏览您的内容,但由于颜色对比度差,有些用户无法访问. People with visual impairment, color blindness, etc. 在访问一个背景和文本颜色对比不合适的网站时,会遇到困难. According to WCAG 2.1 standards (which are based on ADA laws), the contrast must be 4.5:1 for normal-sized text and 3:1 for large-sized text. The website logo is exempted from the ADA color contrast rule.

    Make sure to use the correct color contrast to avoid compliance lawsuits.

  • Keyboard inaccessibility

    There are users who navigate through your content using the keyboard only. 如果键盘的可访问性是阻碍这些用户浏览你的网站的障碍, then it is a factor of concern.

    Do not disable keyboard focus; it indicates the position of a particular user on the page. 键盘导航必须遵循符合ADA指南的逻辑顺序.

  • Missing meaningful anchor text

    使用屏幕阅读器的用户,扫描内容中的所有链接,然后探索有用的内容. 因此,链接文本必须是有意义的和描述性的,以帮助这些用户阅读内容. If possible, 包括链接的详细信息或阐述相关的页面,证明是有用的. Allow speech recognition users to click the links with voice commands.

  • Misemployed WAI-ARIA attributes

    WAI-ARIA provides a semantic definition of certain on-page elements. 正确使用ARIA(可访问性富互联网应用程序)规范可以使内容对有某种残疾的用户更有用. 但是,开发人员应该只在确定WAI-ARIA属性的使用情况下使用它们. Otherwise, define your content with semantic HTML elements. 不当使用WAI-ARIA属性会导致网站内容无法访问. 如果您正在使用这些属性,请确保仔细检查它们以避免可访问性障碍.

  • Missing video transcripts

    Videos are engaging content for everyone. But what if you miss adding transcripts with videos? 通过辅助设备体验视频的用户将无法浏览视频. 有听力问题或视力问题的人可以阅读你的整个网站,包括视频,如果你提供视频的字幕或文字记录.

    Include every minute detail of the video, even if it has some special sound effect, add it in the captions. 视频必须有自动字幕关闭和调整选项,如大小,颜色,文字字体等. And do not use auto-play, it will also be a hindrance to accessibility.

  • Unstructured heading tags

    为了给你的内容提供一个逻辑结构,标题和副标题是有帮助的. 它们必须以正确的顺序包含在页面上(H1、H2、H3等等)。. These heading and subheadings give an idea about the content on the page; thus, they should be relevant as well. 忽略标题会使辅助技术无法访问内容,因此对许多依赖它们的用户来说也是如此.

  • Inaccessible forms

    如果一个网站有填写信息或订阅某些服务的表格, they must be accessible. To adhere to ADA compliance, forms ought to have a label, error messages, placeholder, and clear instructions for their accessibility.

Additionally, above all mistakes can be discovered in the testing phase. So, test the website ADA and WCAG accessibility with manual and automated tools and ensure to remove all the errors.

The idea behind ADA compliance and why you should adhere to it?

《pg电子官网》成立的关键原因是使网站及其内容更容易为残疾人使用. 全球有许多成人和儿童患有低视力/视力障碍, color blindness, hearing loss, cognitive issues, or some sort of temporary disability; they wish to access some content on the web, but its inaccessibility leaves them deprived of the specific information. 万维网联盟(W3C)认为有必要提供可访问的内容,并定义了一组必须遵守的指导方针.

Basically, there are three WCAG compliance levels:

  • A – Some basic bare minimum accessibility requirements.
  • AA – It has some evolved standards based on ADA laws.
  • AAA -这要求你从头开始建立一个完全可访问的网站,有许多先进的指导方针.

一个网站应该至少有AA或ADA合规成为一个可访问的网站. Digital accessibility improves the user experience of your website, helps your website stand in higher positions in search engines, vanishes the chances of litigation, and increases your interaction with your users.

An inclusive and accessible website is all you need!

假设用户的残疾是一个独特的属性,它给了你一个改善网站用户体验的机会. As soon as you introduce accessibility to your website, it starts enhancing your user base and increasing the business profits. Audit the website regularly and do remove accessibility barriers.

一个好的设计不是复杂的,而是用简单的形式呈现复杂的信息 website ADA compliance is. 因此,尽量避免上述错误,并为每个人提供完整的数字访问权限.

Are your business website and other digital assets ADA compliant? Or are you looking for guidance on ADA web accessibility standards? All these that you are in search of are available here at Skynet Technologies. As a prominent ADA website accessibility service provider, pg电子官网将指导您并帮助您使您的企业网站和您的任何其他数字资产ADA合规. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or submit the following request free quote form to know more.