What is the UK Equality Act? How to ensure compliance with web accessibility laws in the United Kingdom!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Website accessibility law UK

英国2010年的《pg电子官网》禁止基于残疾的歧视,并明确延伸到网站, recommending adherence to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA. 英国标准如BS 8878和ISO 30071-1提供了在不取代WCAG的情况下纳入无障碍最佳实践的指导. These standards emphasize considering accessibility throughout the development process, establishing policies, and communicating decisions via accessibility statements. The combination of the Equality Act, ISO 30071-1, 《pg电子竞技》旨在确保平等获取信息和通信技术(ICT). This effort promotes fairness and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. To explore more about it, continue reading this article.

What is the Equality Act 2010?

《pg电子竞技》是英国的一项综合性立法,旨在保护个人在生活的各个方面不受歧视, including the workplace and broader society. It amalgamated prior anti-discrimination laws into a single act, simplifying the legal framework and enhancing protection in diverse situations. 该法规定了个人不应受到不公平对待的禁止方式.

Protected characteristics encompass various aspects of identity, such as age, gender reassignment, marital status, pregnancy or maternity leave, disability, race (including color, nationality, ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Individuals are safeguarded against discrimination in numerous areas of life, including employment, education, consumer interactions, access to public services, property-related transactions, and participation in private clubs or associations.

How does the Equality Act 2010 offer protection against discrimination?

The Equality Act 2010 extends protection beyond direct discrimination, addressing indirect discrimination, harassment, and victimization. 直接歧视指的是由于受保护的特征而对某人不利, 而间接歧视则涉及实施将具有受保护特征的个人置于不公平不利地位的规则或制度. 骚扰包括与受保护特征相关的不受欢迎的行为,这些行为损害了尊严或创造了令人反感的环境. 受害指的是由于提出歧视投诉或支持他人的主张而受到的不公平待遇.

Under the Act, 禁止雇主在工作的各个方面歧视雇员, including dismissal, terms and conditions of employment, pay, promotions, training, recruitment, and redundancy. 如果认为对组织的职能是必要的,可以存在特定的豁免, such as religious institutions' limited recruitment based on faith.

值得注意的是,该法规定残疾工人与其他雇员享有同样的待遇. 雇主有义务做出“合理调整”,为残疾雇员或求职者提供便利. This includes accommodation in application processes, aptitude tests, interview arrangements, workplace facilities, equipment, promotion opportunities, and other work-related benefits to ensure fairness and equal access.

The Act also allows for 'positive action,允许采取主动措施,帮助具有受保护特征、面临不利处境的个人, have specific needs, or are underrepresented activities or job sectors.

Where does the Equality Act apply?

根据《pg电子官网》的规定,各种环境和实体都属于其范围. 它的覆盖范围扩大到提供商品或服务的地方和组织,也包括与就业有关的事务. This includes:

  • Consumer Services: 商店、旅馆、休闲设施和类似的面向消费者的设施.
  • Health Services: This covers healthcare facilities like doctor's surgeries, hospitals, and dentists, and ensures information provision about healthcare rights.
  • Employers: The Act pertains to workplace dynamics, ensuring fair treatment within the workplace and during job applications, and addressing issues like ageism in employment settings.
  • Public Services: It encompasses services provided by local councils, transport services, and housing associations, ensuring fairness and equality in accessing and utilizing these services.

What is the UK Law on website accessibility?

In the United Kingdom, 法律要求公共和私人组织确保其数字资源是可访问的. Specifically, 2010年的《pg电子官网》禁止企业基于残疾歧视个人,并明确延伸到网站的可访问性. However, it does not specify technical standards.

Fortunately, Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)等指南为创建可访问的网站和移动应用程序提供了框架. 遵守最新版本的WCAG可以证明遵守反歧视法, including the Equality Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and European Accessibility Act (EAA).


Real-Life Impact: Consideration of how web design decisions affect users, particularly those with disabilities, such as those using screen readers or relying solely on a keyboard for navigation.

Accessibility Barriers: Examples of barriers faced by users due to inaccessible design, like missing alternative text for images hindering screen reader users, poor color contrast affecting readability for those with vision impairments, or lack of text alternatives in videos affecting the Deaf community.

而2010年的《pg电子官网》并没有彻底改变现有的照顾残疾人的要求, it clarified that websites fall under the Act's "provisions of services.“该法案允许考虑财政资源等因素进行‘合理调整’. Still, it sets a clear mandate for providing accessible online content.

Additionally, 《pg电子官网》进一步规定了公共部门网站和移动应用程序的义务. They require compliance with international standards, notably WCAG 2.1 AA, 并且有必要发布可访问性声明,概述所提供的遵从性级别和可访问的替代方案. 政府数字服务(GDS)和平等与人权委员会(EHRC)等机构监督合规性的监测和执行。.

Furthermore, ISO 30071-1, an international web accessibility standard, replaces the British Standard BS 8878, 提供关于在创建可访问数字产品的组织过程中嵌入可访问性考虑的指导.

In essence, the Equality Act 2010 stresses WCAG 2.0/2.1 Level AA compliance, promoting accessibility, equality, and minimizing legal risks for organizations. To ensure compliance, testing is conducted continuously, usability assessments are conducted with disabled users, 并向用户提供可访问性声明,以便他们了解自己的遵从状态.

How to comply with the U.K. web accessibility standards?

To comply with U.K. web accessibility standards, organizations should:

  1. Follow WCAG Guidelines:
    • Adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) outlined by WC3. 这些指导方针提供了具体建议,以使残疾人更容易访问在线内容, focusing on aspects like perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness.
  2. Meet Government Accessibility Requirements:
    • Ensure compliance with WCAG 2.1 Level AA standards.
    • 确保与残障人士使用的辅助技术(如屏幕放大镜)兼容, screen readers, and speech recognition tools.
    • Include individuals with disabilities in user research to create more inclusive designs.
    • Publish an accessibility statement detailing the service's accessibility level, identified issues, methods for users to report problems, and steps taken to address accessibility concerns.
  3. Adhere to UK Digital Accessibility Regulations:
    • 《pg电子官网》涉及会议 WCAG 2.1 AA standards and publishing an accessibility statement to confirm compliance.


综上所述,英国2010年的《pg电子官网》(Equality Act of 2010)和网页无障碍法律提供了关键优势. They ensure comprehensive protection against discrimination, promote fairness in various life domains, and specifically mandate website accessibility. By enforcing adherence to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), these laws foster a more inclusive online environment, benefiting individuals with disabilities and society at large. Overall, they prompt better design practices, enhance accessibility, and contribute to a fairer, more equitable digital landscape.

Is your website, web application, documents, or mobile application accessible for people with disabilities? With a team of experts, we provide complete ADA website accessibility remediation services including audit, strategy, design, and development services that comply with accessibility regulations such as ADA, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, and Section 508 within your budget. Get in touch with us at [email protected] or request a quote.